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Cat Caught On Camera (on New Year's Day 2004)

Windows Media Player

Cat on Lap

Some streaming video tests featuring the one member of the household who can't object to having a camera pointed at him. If the video doesn't start playing in the embedded player (left), there's several versions, for standard 56K modems and broadband, and in Windows Media and Real Video formats. Click on the links (below) to play/download. If you don't have Real Player choose the WM versions, and be prepared for a delay before they start to play.
WM 56K   WM broadband     Real Video 56K   Real Video broadband

The easiest way to examine his mouth... to take a photograph

A cat who likes to feel involved

A cat who doesn't know the meaning of "can't you see I'm busy, and where are you going to sit anyway?"

This page was updated on 17/12/2006.


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