2003 News
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Never completely finished - I can always think of more things I'd have liked to include - but enough to give a flavour of the year 2003, including:-


Building a new storage rack and workbenches for work

I usually like to try to start some construction project during the Christmas break, apart from this year, but last year I decided we needed some racking at work to store the larger boxes. I could have bought some clip-together steel racking, but I like doing a little woodwork now and again to keep my hand in for when I retire, as it's something I could happily spend more time doing if there were no deadlines to meet or money to be made. I've still got a radial-arm saw and plenty of clamps and tools - it's just a pity I always seem to be doing it in winter when the garage is freezing!

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Construction work starts in the garage at home
with final assembly at the office. Apart from
some heavy coach screws holding the shelf frames
to the uprights, everything was glued together
with good old Resin-W.

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Before (left) and after (above)
Just as many boxes, but now we can at least get at the ones at the bottom

Apart from the racking, I also needed some proper workbenches for system assembly and testing. We'd been making do with one table and VDU station comprising a piece of blockboard on top of two Belinea monitor boxes (like the one in the picture above). So the second half of the plan involved two back-to-back sets of kitchen units with solid wood worktops, and a home-made centre console and shelves. The centre console got finished, as in the right hand picture, but the shelves didn't. However, there are now a couple of angle-poise lamps attached to the pegs just visible part way up the centre uprights, so it's 90% functional, and an enormous improvement over the previous arrangement. The desk to the left has a Keyboard/Monitor/Mouse switcher so that up to four computers can be running and controlled from that one position, which is very useful when we're building one PC and soak-testing another, for example
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Kitchen Base units and tops from IKEA...

...with home-made centre console & power points

James Watt College, Greenock, installation trip Feb 2003

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Excellent breakfast at the B & B...

...down the coast at Gourock

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A couple of our externally boring (ie functional) but internally quite exciting Video Editing PCs (if you like that sort of thing).
Get our Manchester Skyline background picture here

On this trip we were supplying 10 new PCs for the animation/video/graphics department. The first two machines we supplied (about 6/7 yrs ago?) were Pentium 90s, one of which is still in use.

Discovering Ebay

I'd heard of Ebay, but it wasn't until the end of 2002 that I actually had a look at it, and was astonished by the sheer scale and variety of items available. D25_1021.jpg (6099 bytes)Like discovering Exchange and Mart all over again, but with better pictures. My first purchase was a Digital Camera (the HP 912 used for all the pics on this page), but it didn't stop there, and I now have a feedback rating of 47 (for those who know what that means). In the course of this year I've bought all sorts of stuff, mainly for work, and mainly successfully. I've bought one item which didn't work and which didn't get resolved, a couple which weren't what I expected (my fault for not checking with the sellers), but plenty of great bargains, some of which I've resold at a profit. I've also sold a few old items of mine, mainly because I don't like throwing things away which are perfectly good and might be useful to someone. In some cases they sold for a few pounds, but a couple of old audio items which cost me about £70 in total (including the D25 pictured right) sold for almost £450! 

Exhibiting at the IOV Show, Birmingham April 2003

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The National Motorcycle Museum, near the Birmingham NEC

..sadly destroyed in a fire in September just days after we'd driven past it on our way to and from Liz Stock's birthday party in Oxford.

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Our compact but efficient stand...

...included two computers each housing two edit systems

Hospital - as a non-visitor

In August I was booked into Hope Hospital for a small op for the removal of a couple of "fatty lumps" in the groin/upper leg area which have been growing for the last few years. I had an MR scan in 1999, after which they just said it wasn't dangerous and to come back if it kept growing. So in late 2002 I went back and asked if I could be put on the waiting list, and about 9 months later got an appointment. This was just after returning a second letter asking if I still wanted the treatment, or whether I'd had it done elsewhere.

It's the first time I've had a full anaesthetic, or indeed any sort of hospitalisation, although I've spent plenty of time in hospitals, either as a visitor (after Kathie's various ops) or working in my film crew days. As such, I've seen plenty of pain and suffering, and so I was somewhat apprehensive about the whole thing, but I needn't have worried. I was in and back home in a matter of hours, and with no side effects from the anaesthetic (which is great, because I hate feeling nauseous). Top marks to all the hospital staff who without exception were excellent. The worst bit of the recovery was the effect of the dozen or more metal staples they put in to hold the wounds closed. Until they took them out a week later it was like having the cat's claws stuck into my leg every time I moved.

A month or so later, and it'd all healed up just fine. The only consequence is that when the surgeon looked at me he said, "I think you've got a couple of hernias too", which was confirmed at the follow up last month, so I'll probably be back in there sometime over the next year or so. The surgeon suggested keyhole surgery would be the best treatment but, because there's currently no-one at the hospital who can do it, I should come back in six months when they might have someone trained up.

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Other business

Business-wise, we've had another mixed year at ZEN with a good start to the year, a quiet June/July but picking up towards the end of the summer just when I was due to go into hospital. Dealing with the sale of the house and other related administration has distracted me from thinking about anything apparently non-essential at work, such that I didn't see the looming crisis with Gavin that resulted in his rather dramatic resignation on 1st November whilst I was on-site with a customer in Liverpool. He came in as normal but then called me at lunchtime to say he'd gone home. I won't try and explain it, because I don't fully understand it, but the net result is that I'm back to working on my own, and whilst I am looking for someone else, I'm not in a desperate hurry. It's not easy finding people with the right sort of computer/video related skills, and I'm not quite sure yet what I'm looking for, and at what level. So far I've been OK, but I've not had a really busy period yet.

The ZEN website is at www.zenvideo.co.uk

This page was updated on 24/12/04.

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