| |
Read the Eulogy and about the Memorial service here.
2006 - Died peacefully in hospital - 1st June
Just before Easter, Thelma was admitted to Hope Hospital in Salford
suffering from breathing difficulties. It was not the first time that
she had been admitted with this condition, and as usual she made a fairly
rapid recovery under hospital conditions. However, within a week or so
of being discharged she was re-admitted in the same state. Once again
she quickly bounced back and returned to the Fountains, but within days
she was back in hospital. On each occasion she had been fine for part of
the day and had then suddenly got into difficulty breathing. This time
they made a connection between eating a meal and the subsequent lack of
breath and diagnosed some sort of obstruction or constriction occurring.
Unfortunately there was nothing evident which they could treat, so she
was kept as comfortable as possible and given what liquid food she could
During this time I (Martin) was due for a hernia operation so we did
not see her last week until I was well enough, three days ago on Monday.
When we went, Thelma was quite bright and looked better than she had
been the last time I saw her a full week before. Then we got a call to
say that she was quite "poorly" again, and I visited on Wednesday
evening to find her resting and on oxygen again. I was planning to call
again on Thursday but received a call from the ward to say that she'd
died around lunchtime. As I write this it's about 6pm and we're going to
the hospital soon. Update Sat 3rd June - The
funeral will take place at the Crematorium in Manchester's Southern
Cemetery at 2pm Thurs 8th June. |
2005 - Thelma moves to The Fountains
As reported last year, Thelma's health had deteriorated such that she was
deemed as needing full-time nursing care. In the early part of 2005 a place
became available, and at the end of February she was moved from Lynwood Lodge in
Sale to The Fountains, which is much closer to us in Swinton. (You can see where
on our Google Earth Tour) The new contact details are:-
The Fountains
Victoria Park
Swinton Hall Road
M27 4DZTel 0161 794 5814 |
The Fountains is situated within the beautiful
grounds of Victoria Park and within a 5 minute walk from Swinton Town
Centre. The home is divided into four individually named units which
offer an extensive range of services. The Fountains is a home of
outstanding accommodation. The hotel-like appearance of the home is part
of the overall impression that makes The Fountains unlike any other home
in the area. The reception area is most impressive, with custom-tiled
floor, mahogany fronted reception desk and a central fountain feature
based on the statue of Aquarius. |
Just before the move she had a chest infection from which she was only just
recovering, and although she was unable to express it verbally, I think the
change of location caused quite a shock to her. Shortly after arriving she was
admitted to hospital, mainly because she wasn't eating properly, but they could
find nothing particularly wrong with her and after returning to The Fountains
she slowly picked up, particularly when they started moving her to the lounge
during the day.
At Lynwood Lodge her confinement to bed had been largely because of the home
didn't have the facilities to be continually moving her, whereas the nursing
home is a modern facility, with her unit all on one level, and with lots of
space and mechanical aids. The lounge and dining area are in a triangular room
across an internal corner of the building. It's big, bright and airy, and
there's plenty happening with people coming and going, all of which gives Thelma
a sense of being involved with activity even though she's not doing much
Thelma in the lounge of The Fountains on Christmas Day
(they look a bit grainy because they're taken under
available light,
but the ones taken with flash look terribly harsh) |
Whilst it is sad not to be able to have a conversation of any meaning with
her any more, or to discuss anything from the "real world", she usually appears
happy and content with where she is when we visit, and that's about the best we
can hope for.
Previous Years
2003 - Settled in at Lynwood Lodge
Thelma is now an established resident at Lynwood Lodge, and appears to have no desire
to move. She's had a relatively trouble-free year, although her balance isn't very good.
As such, she has a tendency to fall over and bruise herself on a regular (almost monthly)
basis, so it's not unusual to find her with a black eye or some other temporary
disfigurement. She then takes it careful for a while until she feels better, forgets to be
careful, and falls over again trying to do something unattended. So we never quite know
what to expect when we see her - and as a result sometimes she's quite chatty, sometimes
2004 - A downhill journey
Sadly, this year Thelma has deteriorated further, both physically and
mentally, such that she is now almost completely bed-ridden and in need of a
place in a nursing home, for which she is on a waiting list. |
Thelma in March 2003 |
Click here for full
size picture |
Thelma moved from Greenoak Drive in September 2002
Her new home is quite near the centre of Sale, where she used to do her
regular shopping, and they've got a web site at www.lynwoodlodge.co.uk
with all the contact details plus a few pictures so you can see what it looks like. It's
open to visitors pretty much any time. Lynwood Lodge, 20/22 Broad Road,
Sale, Cheshire, M33 2AL
Tel: (0161) 973 7210, Fax: (0161) 962 6424 |
Martin describes how the move came about
She'd had a fairly stable year during 2002, with no major disasters, but, on
reflection, steadily continuing to decline. As ever, she'd enjoyed being out in her garden
as much as possible over the summer, but her angina and worsening sense of balance had
significantly limited her activities.
For the last few years she had refused to even discuss the possibility of moving to a
retirement flat or care home, but as the summer progressed she started to give hints that
she might have to move sometime, as the garden was getting too much for her. Then, in
Audust, she saw a For Sale sign outside a block of flats at the end of her road and told a
visiting friend that she was moving there "next week". Surprised, the friend
phoned me to ask if it was true. I knew nothing about it, of course, but I went over and
found that she'd got no further than enquiring about it. So we talked about it, and she
said she definitely felt she had to move, and I suggested a retirement flat of the sort
where there is an on-site warden, a shared residents' lounge, laundry, activities, etc,
but still having independent cooking facilities and a high degree of independence. Given
that she was still doing her own shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc, I wasn't sure if she
was ready for a full care home where she would only have a bedroom, and everything else
would be provided. So I did a tour of local estate agents, brought back some details and
made an appointment for the following weekend for us to go and look at a couple of them.
However, when Kathie and I arrived on the Sunday morning, she announced that she'd changed
her mind - which we took to mean that she'd decided (once again) that she didn't want to
move. To our surprise, she said that she'd decided she wanted somewhere where they'd do
everything, so we cancelled the viewings and started looking through the yellow pages for
Residential Care Homes, and started phoning round to see if there were any vacancies. By
the following weekend we'd looked at most of them from the outside, and several on the
inside, and took her to see the one which looked the best. I can't say we were 100% happy
with any of them, but you can only select from what's available, particularly at short
notice. Anyway, Thelma seemed to think it was fine, so we gave her a couple of days to see
if she'd change her mind, and she didn't, so we booked her in a for a four week trial
starting the following Saturday. That's now well passed, and she seems to have settled in
quite well, certainly as well as we could have hoped. Her room's big enough for us to have
taken a little of her furniture and recreated a corner of her lounge with her favourite
chair and table, together with lots of pictures and paintings on the walls.
Thelma and friend at SBG after watching
the Queen's Speech, back in Dec
2001 |
Probably from her election campaigning
period during the early 1960s |

Happier December times - Thelma poses in her garden for the Manchester Evening News
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