Year 2004 pics
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The perils of working with gadgets (and animals)

Trying to take a "thank you" picture using the remote/timer in order to show off presents of chocolates, scarf and socks.



You often hear them, but rarely see them. We get a fair number of visits from owls, who sometimes stay in the area for a week or so, sometimes just the odd night.

So it was with some surprise that Martin found himself less than 10ft away from this little owl after climbing a ladder set against the massive laurel hedge at the

front of the house. Even more surprised that it was still there after clanking back down the ladder to fetch the camera and climb back up.

Unfortunately our digital camera doesn't have much of a telephoto lens on it, nor has Martin got round to learning how to set the exposure manually (much easier on old fashioned SLRs), so all the pictures looked much like the one above with a rather small owl silhouetted against the much brighter, albeit overcast, sky. However, this is where all those hours playing around on Photoshop can be put to some use in extracting a more recognisable enlargement (top right) from the original (above). I think someone told us it's a barn owl, but feel free to correct us on that.

One of Kathie's Orchids (I think)...

(...with a piece of white card behind it)


A bit of redevelopment in one small area of the garden, still shaded by the now-massive bamboo - more work needed in 2005...

New climbing plants and herbs are starting to

 grow down the side of the house by the fence

Alpine strawberries grow almost like weeds

don't know what this is, but it's nice

The fence - revisited

Hopefully it will start to grow back...

... and cover some of the fence here at the front

Fence162.jpg (25458 bytes)

Fence164.jpg (31049 bytes)

Before and after...

... above and below

September 2004...

... and beginning to look a bit better

This page was updated on 12/01/2005.

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